Below you will find a few frequently asked pool service questions. If you do not find the answer you seek, please contact us here ยป
Q: Do you do one time service or do we have to have an on-going contract?
A: PSC is happy to provide services to you either on an as needed basis or to set up a reoccurring contract of service. We aim to help you keep your pool running in top shape so that you can sit back and enjoy!
Q: What types of pool chemicals/water do you service?
A: Pool Services Company is able to handle the maintenance of any pool chemical system in place: Bacquacil, Chlorine, or salt.
Q: What types of maintenance and repairs do you handle?
A: Our trained and certified pool technicians can provide preventive maintenance or repairs on pool operating equipment such as filtration and circulation systems. Additionally if you are experiencing any type of issues with platers, liners, decking, leaks or stairs, we can help to repair that as well. If you have any issue, give us a call and we will most likely be able to help fix you problem
Q: How long is your Certified Pool Operator trying program?
A: The course usually lasts 2 to 3 days, with the last day of training being the certification exam. We offer the course a few times a year. Please contact us to find out when the next one will be to sign up.
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