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Dichlor and TriChlor shortage

Many of you use Dichlor and Trichlor “pucks” to add chlorine to your pool through feeders. These tablets, commonly referred to as pucks, come in a bucket. We sell them, and they are, under normal circumstances, commonly available on Amazon and at Walmart and other retailers.

In the present, however, there is a nation-wide shortage of Dichlor and Trichlor pucks due to several reasons. First, COVID-19 limited production during 2020. Manufacturers were barely keeping up with demand. Second, the fall hurricane season devasted one of the main manufacturing plants in the Southeast. The combination of these two unusual occurrences has significantly limited supply until 2022 according to one industry source.

If you use pucks, you can expect to see significant price increases coming soon, if you haven’t already. If you want to explore other, better, ways to get chlorine into your pool, please give us a call right away to discuss your options. Long-term, your pool may even be easier to manage with a switch to an alternative chlorine source!

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